Staten Island Smile Gallery
Results That Speak for Themselves
Gummy Smile – Gingival Laser Recontouring with Crowns and Bridges – Amy S.
Dr. Ratner used Gingival Laser Recontouring and crown and bridge fillings to improve the shape of teeth so that the upper and lower dentitions could be effectively occluded.
Crowded / Overlapping Teeth – Clear Aligners – Greg C.
Dr. Ratner used Clear Aligners to restore Greg’s dentition occlusion, esthetics, and function. The canine was returned to its original position, and the open bite was closed.
Crowded / Overlapping Teeth – Crowns / Veneers – Lisa M.
Crown and veneer fabrication was performed to realign the dentition of Lisa’s upper arch of teeth due to overlapping and crowding. Dr. Ratner chose this therapy cautiously to preserve the sound structures without jeopardizing their integrity while increasing esthetics with a “dazzling” result.
Chipped / Cracked Teeth / Bonding – Crowns / Veneers – Nicole M.
Nicole’s chipped, broken tooth was fixed with a crown and veneers to recreate the original contour of the tooth. This procedure is recommended when a composite restoration cannot tolerate functional stress.
Yellow / Discolored Teeth – Whitening – Jane C.
Jane was concerned about the discoloration of her tooth. Dr. Ratner used teeth whitening to lighten the discoloration and increase the patient’s confidence when smiling.
Yellow / Discolored Teeth – Crowns / Veneers – Jackie T.
Dr. Ratner used a crown and veneer procedure to improve Jackie’s smile. An ideal celebrity smile replaced the yellowish discoloration look with the appropriate shade and contour to fit the face profile.
Yellow / Discolored Teeth – Crowns / Veneers – Jackie W.
Dr. Ratner provided Jackie with Crowns and Veneers customized to her tooth shade and dentition occlusion. This therapy provided her with the exact smile she envisioned.
Yellow / Discolored Teeth – Crowns / Veneers – Lee C.
Dr. Ratner used Crowns and Veneers to erase the yellowish staining on Lee’s teeth structure. This enhanced the spacing and position of the teeth, resulting in better alignment and smiles.
Loose / Missing Teeth – Full Mouth Reconstruction – Boris K.
Dr. Ratner performed a full mouth reconstruction to save Boris’s teeth from extraction. This will allow more time to reduce the degradation of the jawbone while also enhancing patients’ dentition.
Loose / Missing Teeth – Implants – Bob B.
Bucci wished for better-aligned teeth. Dr. Ratner provided implants for a better prognosis and a stronger appliance for tooth replacement.
Loose / Missing Teeth – Bridges – Kevin H.
Dr. Ratner finished a three-unit fixed bridge on Hession’s lower dentition to replace missing teeth and boost smile confidence.
Gummy Smile – Gingival Laser Recontouring – Christina C.
Christina wanted to improve her appearance, so Dr. Ratner offered Gingival Laser Recontouring to restore the contour of her teeth.
Old Crowns / Dark Lines – Full Porcelain Crowns – Dee C.
Dr. Ratner replaced the old crowns and removed the dark lines. Full porcelain crowns were then employed to achieve a longer and more stable result.
Spacing Between Teeth – Clear Aligners – Marianne W.
Dr. Ratner used clear aligners to close the gap between Marianne’s upper central incisors. This improved her smile and overall appearance while protecting the tooth from food impaction, which could develop caries later.
Spacing Between Teeth – Crowns / Veneers – Sara R.
Crown and veneers were used to close gaps between Sara’s top central incisors. As a result, possible food impaction that could invite caries formation has been removed, and the patient can confidently smile.
Uncomfortable Dentures / Partials – Bar Overdentures – Denise K.
Denise presented with an ill-fitting, painful partial denture to the dentist. Dr. Ratner rebuilt the device and made a bar denture to alleviate her suffering.
Bonding – Lori B.
Lori wanted to correct her misaligned tooth. So, Dr. Ratner used bonding with composite restoration to make her upper central incisors as symmetrical as possible.
Bridges / Laser Recontouring – Nick M.
Laser Recontouring and a bridge were performed to improve Nick’s smile. This alignment improvement restored occlusion of the teeth bites, masticatory function, and esthetics.